Conversion rate optimization | October 18, 2022

9 Steps to Developing a Data-Driven Customer Experience

Lilit Yeranyan

An excellent customer experience is a must for the growth of any business. The most crucial component of creating a great customer experience is understanding the entire journey the customer takes. Data should be your best friend during that process. 

Businesses are trying to stand out in a market full of competitors by creating solid relationships with their customers. One of the most effective ways is inputting data-driven customer experience into your marketing strategies. It can be the main factor that will help you build trust with your customers and maintain long-lasting relationships with them.

In this article, we will give you twelve steps to develop a data-driven customer experience. Following these steps, you can build a data-driven customer experience that increases brand loyalty and sales. 

The benefits of data-driven customer experience

Collecting data helps you get a clear idea of your current customer experience and can be the basis of making it excellent. Here are the advantages that a data-driven customer experience provides:

  •  It helps you improve the customer experience

Companies can collect data on what areas they are succeeding and should continue in the same way. Also, they get valuable insights about what changes they need to do to enhance customer experience.

  • It provides a personalized experience for your customers

For today’s buyers, a personalized customer experience is the main factor expected when interacting with companies. Data also allows for providing a customer experience based on an individual’s needs and demands. Customers often make buying decisions based on product quality and personalized experience.

Take a look at Monday CRM’s customer data:

Data-driven customer experience Monday

Image source

  • Gives information about your customers’ behavior

Data analytics also gives you information on how your buyers can behave in the future. You can add it to your internal knowledge base and use it for other strategies. This will help you start planning product sourcing or marketing and advertising campaigns. 

All these benefits prove that you can’t build a successful customer experience strategy without data. However, developing a data-driven customer experience strategy is still challenging for many businesses. 

Twelve steps that will help you develop a data-driven customer experience 

Many companies understand the value that data can bring but don’t manage to implement it properly in their marketing efforts. Creating a data-driven marketing customer experience requires continuous effort. Here we will discuss the ways that will help you successfully do that.

  1. Collect the data and set up a data analytics platform

The first step to devising a data-driven customer experience strategy is to collect data smartly. Consider how, when, and why customers interact with your company and collect information from all possible sources and devices. Sources can include your websites, email subscription lists, social media channels, and surveys. 

You can ask your website visitors to give information when they are trying to sign up for your email list or rewards programs.

Moreover, techniques for collecting data are important but don’t forget that the higher the data quality, the more valuable your data insights will be. For example, you can gather data through Google Analytics, a commonly used method, and integrating data into a composable CDP can further enhance your ability to act on insights flexibly and scalable. This approach allows organizations to tailor their data architecture to specific business needs, enabling more precise and actionable analytics. Furthermore, by ensuring that data is collected in a structured and clean manner, businesses can significantly reduce the time and resources spent on data cleaning and preparation, thus accelerating the decision-making process.

To leverage these insights for a better customer experience, it’s essential to focus on personalization and timely engagement. To leverage these insights for a better customer experience, it’s essential to focus on personalization and timely engagement. To really make the most of these insights, it’s all about getting personal and being timely. Think about how you can use what you’ve learned to craft messages and offers that hit the right note with each customer.

Maybe that means suggesting products that feel like they were picked just for them, or sending marketing emails that speak directly to their interests. Also, keep an eye on real-time data to stay responsive.

If you notice a trend or a change in behavior, you can quickly adapt to meet your customers’ needs right when it matters most. This kind of thoughtful, personalized attention doesn’t just make customers happy in the moment—it builds a kind of loyalty that lasts, making every step of their journey with you that much better.

Here’s what the dashboard looks like: 

Google Analytics dashboard view

Image source

To help you during this process, you should choose a data analytics platform to organize your data and guide you on which parts of your customer experience are most important. This will be based on your business goals, needs, and expectations.

Utilizing data analytics for insights into customer behavior is just the beginning. When businesses integrate leading-edge tools like warehouse management software, it significantly refines the client experience. These advanced systems are pivotal in streamlining inventory oversight and the logistics network, thereby bolstering the efficiency of how orders are processed and fulfilled.

This strategic integration guarantees that customers get their orders both swiftly and accurately, a crucial element in ensuring customer delight. The adoption of such innovative technologies is a testament to a business’s commitment to operational superiority and a customer-focused approach, markedly enhancing the overall quality of service offered by the company.

2. Identify your customers and their preferences

To attract customers with a data-driven customer experience, you should clearly understand who your current customers are and find out as much relevant information about their:

  • interests
  • demographics
  • values
  • online behavior 
  • shopping habits

You shouldn’t guess your audience’s preferences but collect relevant and helpful information. You can research social media sites, reviews, and forums to gain complete details about your customers. 

Another option is sending them to complete surveys via email or text message. Customers are happy to share what they think of you, how you can provide a superior experience, and what products and services they need. 

If you have enough data, you can create segments based on their characteristics and develop customer profiles. After creating segments, you can analyze their differences and similarities and tailor your customer experience to take advantage of that information.

Using marketing software, a potential SEO marketer will be able to build unique strategies not only for individual projects but also for global companies. You can analyze the state of your business, check competitors and their anchors and other indicators or metrics, and also think about what strategy is suitable for you personally.

Many businesses do not pay enough attention to marketing and as a result, their sites get blocked by Google or are not displayed in search lists. Using advanced analytics tools, you can analyze the behavior and preferences of each customer segment, revealing valuable insights that can be used in personalized marketing campaigns and help increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Learn about your customer journey

If you have already identified your customers, the next step is gathering information about their customer journey. Customers could take multiple paths before reaching the final destination. And no matter their stage, they expect a positive experience. To provide a positive experience to customers, businesses outsource live chat services to experienced agencies.

By creating a customer journey map, you discover the customers’ pain points and ensure that your customer journey and business goals are aligned.  For example, if you own a candy shop and customers want a new healthy product, you have to dedicate time and effort to creating sugar-free sweets, especially for them.

To create a customer journey map, we can suggest there are several steps that you can take this essential steps: 

Define clear goals and create user personas

Learn all the touchpoints

Do user research to collect data 

 ✓ Discuss with all your department to find fresh ideas

 Check whether you have all the necessary resources and tools

Create a journey map and regularly make changes 

Designing a customer journey map requires general steps, varying depending on the company’s type. The customer journey map for travel companies will be a little different from a map created for B2B SaaS buyers. You can read the Hubspot article with helpful insights if you want to learn more about this topic.

Comprehending the voyage of the customer holds the utmost importance in creating an experience driven by data. By examining the different points of contact and engagements clients have with your brand, you can discover chances for enhancement.

The customer journey is not a straightforward route; it is an intricate network of choices, sentiments, and interactions that lead to a purchase or loyalty. The utilization of data for mapping this voyage empowers enterprises to anticipate needs, eliminate limitations, and establish a seamless encounter that corresponds with individual inclinations and expectations.

This is because the buying process, decision factors and touchpoints are different in the B2C and B2B industries. If you want to delve deeper into creating a customer journey map specifically for B2B SaaS, I recommend reading Hubspot’s article with useful ideas tailored to this industry. In it, you’ll find valuable tips and examples related to the B2B SaaS customer journey.

4. Centralize and combine your data

The customer experience is spread over different systems, channels, and formats. Therefore one of the essential jobs should be collecting all that together in one place. 

Only by bringing them together can you see how customer experience improvements positively impact your key operational metrics.  Based on that data, you can make reports and create campaigns to provide your customers with a great experience.

One of the important steps is to define clear objectives. Check whether you have all important databases and software and review the systems. Think about which departments of your company will use the centralized data.   Following these steps, pay attention to data security and ensure that combining data can help your teams provide a great customer experience. It is vital to pay attention to the security of email domains and use the DMARK tool to protect your domain from frauding and phishing.

In addition, it will be beneficial to use data vizualization tools to simplify the management of a company’s data. These tools will help you collect and integrate various sources and formats of data from different channels into a single source of data.

Navigating the intricacies of data management, the integration of cloud MRP software emerges as a powerful solution.

To effectively manage the complex flow of goods and ensure seamless operations, businesses in the manufacturing and logistics sectors can benefit from integrating robust warehouse management software development solutions tailored to their unique requirements, enabling centralized inventory tracking, optimized space utilization, and streamlined workflows across various stages of the supply chain.

Similar to the way in which perplexity and burstiness enhance the texture of writing, these tools streamline the collection and integration of data from diverse channels and formats, culminating in a centralized wellspring of information.

As with the integration of cloud MRP software that streamlines data collection and management, addressing the issue of phishing reinforces the security framework of your centralized data system.

Just as skilled writers employ diverse sentence structures to enhance their writing, safeguarding your email domain against phishing attacks contributes to the overall robustness of your data ecosystem.

In the manufacturing industry, where data complexity can be particularly daunting, protecting against phishing is an integral part of maintaining a unified and secure data collection system.

Just as skilled writers artfully blend sentence variations, the cloud MRP software harmonizes complex data sources, paving the way for comprehensive insights and informed decision-making.

In the manufacturing industry, data collection is all the more complicated. And if you want to gain a positive customer experience you must have a unified collection of data.

If you have all the critical data in one place it helps in improving the decision making process, resolving customer issues and garnering positive experiences. The complexity with which the operations run in a manufacturing business, it is always beneficial to use a cloud MRP software to store and keep all your information centralized.

Manufacturing Consultants, akin to expert storytellers, weave a narrative of efficiency and security within the manufacturing industry’s intricate data landscape. They play a crucial role in fortifying defenses against phishing threats, ensuring the resilience of unified and secure data collection systems.

Much like skilled writers who masterfully blend sentence variations, these consultants bring harmony to the complex symphony of data sources, facilitating the generation of comprehensive insights and enabling well-informed decision-making.

In the realm of manufacturing, where data collection complexities abound, these consultants emerge as architects of positive customer experiences, advocating for the necessity of a unified data collection strategy.

Just as critical data consolidation enhances decision-making processes and customer issue resolution, Manufacturing Consultants, armed with their expertise, elevate operational efficiency through the strategic use of cloud MRP software.

Adopting a system for warehouse management software can be an advantageous choice. Such systems significantly enhance the efficiency of handling orders, facilitating precise and rapid completion of tasks like selection, packaging, and distribution.

While warehouse management software efficiently tracks inventory digitally, lacking frontline visibility into granular demand changes risks misalignment. Rather than just relying on backend platforms, deploying intuitive doc scanner software on the floor captures real-time data to dynamically adapt warehouse operations to live trends.

Empowering personnel through mobile doc scanner software integration unlocks invaluable visibility into exact itemized demand, allowing warehouses to mirror shifting consumer preferences through calibrated layouts and stocking strategies.

Reports from enterprises that have implemented this technology highlight a remarkable improvement in their operational workflows, leading to increased overall productivity.

5. Enrich your marketing and content production efforts

The data you gather about your customers’ behaviors and pain points are changing quickly, so marketers should transform their marketing strategies according to new data.

In the ever-changing world we live in, marketers need to adjust their strategies to align with the rapidly evolving information about customer behaviors and concerns. Embracing consumer data provides chances to create customized marketing methods, fostering enduring connections with clients.

By utilizing data, marketers acquire crucial perspectives, including geographic, demographic, and psychographic details, empowering them to precisely focus on their audience and customize marketing campaigns to cater to specific group requirements.

As an example, when your target audience consists of young freelancers exploring the gig economy, providing incentives like coupons for time-tracking software can boost their efficiency and involvement.

You can use the opportunities data gives to create highly personalized marketing strategies. With the help of consumer data, you can figure out what methods can help maintain excellent relationships with your customers.

When it comes to the content development sphere, analytical data is a pivotal element that expresses the complex needs and expectations of various audience segments. This also includes the B2B SaaS customer. Such insights are simply indispensable when it comes to producing tailored content and meeting the demands of the distinct group.

This is why personalized content plays a huge role when collecting attention and stimulating deep client engagement. Moreover, this is how you can establish a truly meaningful bond with the audience. Such a precise content delivery will surely make your customers feel understood and valued in the long run.

To create successful marketing campaigns, you must understand your target audience. Data can help you target them by giving geographic, demographic, and psychographic information about your customers. Your next step should be creating marketing campaigns concentrated on the needs of specific groups.

Maybe your target customer is a young person who is new to the world of freelancing, therefore, suggest time-tracking software for freelancers to improve their productivity.

Speaking of the latter, if you’re looking for a way to optimize your workflow, then you should definitely consider getting an efficient solution to help you with time management. Starting with choosing the right time-tracking software is always a good idea.

Popular among freelancers and companies, especially those who need to get insights into their teams’ productivity, such solutions can become simply invaluable in the workplace. Just imagine getting access to elaborate summaries and reports on working hours, as well as the progress of various company projects, and the performance of each team or employee in the company. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Additionally, with it, you will be able to improve your customer experience and make informed decisions. Finally, such software will allow you to create a harmonious environment of precision and superiority to meet the ever-changing needs of the cutting-edge office.

Here’s what it looks like from Hubstaff:

Data-driven customer experience time tracking software example

Image source 

For content, you’ll be able to understand the topics and formats people want to interact with. With those insights, you can increase traffic to your web properties and funnel visitors to your product pages. 

6. Measure results and be ready to make changes  

Your job doesn’t stop when you put data into action. Instead, you should track and continually optimize customers’ experiences. This helps easily adjust to changes in your customers’ needs. Ensure that you examine your customer experience strategy regularly. If the data gives actionable insights, improve your strategy to keep delivering great customer experiences.

Data can help you discover at which stages in your user journeys your customers stop being engaged. As you keep monitoring and measuring the results and taking action to improve, a great data-driven customer experience will be guaranteed.

7. Put data analytics into your team culture

Research has shown that data-driven companies are six times as likely to retain customers, and are nineteen times more likely to be profitable. 

Typically, customer experience teams are people-oriented, as their goal is to solve customers’ problems and understand the importance of data to achieve that. A data-driven customer experience does not contradict that. It puts the customer first, delivering what they need at the right time.

If your goal is to provide a data-driven customer experience, your first step should be hiring data-driven people. Data allows you to combine support, marketing, sales, and teams and align their efforts to provide an amazing customer experience. 

Your employees from all departments must understand why data-driven customer experience is vital. Encourage action by converting research results into areas for improvement. 

Thinking in terms of data, first of all, is a mindset. Therefore start creating the right environment from employee onboarding to help your teams use data and new technologies.

Communicate with your customer experience and other teams about why you are establishing a data culture in your company. Provide your employees with essential tools and ensure they get access to the data quickly. Organize training and courses to help use data in a more organized way.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of business, it’s not just about having data; it’s about understanding and leveraging it. Organize training and courses, and you’ll soon find that they serve as catalysts, empowering teams to harness the power of data effectively.

By doing so, you’re not just ticking off a box in a training manual. Instead, you’re fostering a culture where data becomes the backbone of decision-making. Organize training and courses, and you’ll witness a transformation: from teams that operate on gut feelings to those that make informed, data-driven decisions, ensuring the customer remains at the heart of every action.

8. Make predictions based on data

After you’ve used your data to fix any glaring holes in your customer experience and adopted data-driven initiatives as part of your company culture, you can start to improve in other ways. 

Predictive analytics is predicting future events, behaviors, and outcomes based on historical data. Due to predictive analytics, businesses can anticipate customer needs based on previous purchases.

You can gain predictive analytics by phone calls, emails, and other data from different touchpoints. It helps businesses find the best way to learn about specific customer demands and desires. As the market is full of competitors who suggest similar products, this can help you have loyal customers and stand out in the market, offering customers the best experiences.

So, make it a click to call and gain the valuable information you need. Predictive analytics, like a skilled navigator, charts a course through the currents of consumer preferences, guiding your strategies with foresight and precision.

Every press represents an opportunity to delve into the thoughts of your clientele, empowering you to craft interactions that not only fulfill but surpass their expectations.

Embrace the harmonious fusion of profound revelations orchestrated by predictive analytics, and allow it to lead your enterprise towards a future characterized by utmost customer contentment, ultimately culminating in a magnificent finale.

Your primary responsibility should be to define your purpose using data for future predictions. Check if you have the relevant data. Ensure you clearly communicate with your teams and encourage them to use the data when making decisions.

A few steps can help you not just guess but discover and predict what your business needs in the future. The first step is just collecting high-quality data. Then you should center all information and tools to implement this data. If you own a real estate business, with the help of data, you can clearly understand what kind of properties your buyer would prefer. Data can help predict and avoid risks. 

9. Build trust with your customers

Many modern buyers love to share customer feedback but are also deeply concerned about how their personal information may be used. Customer data is a key factor in the highly competitive market. If companies are honest about the information they gather, people will be more likely to trust them and continue to provide their data.

There are a few steps that you can take to build trust with your customers to collect their data. First, be transparent about how you will use the personal data you gather. Don’t give their data third part sides to earn money. Next, ensure that the data customers give is used to provide value to them. It includes improving customer experience or creating products and services that make their lives better.

After building trust start collecting customer feedback. 

There are various methods for that, starting from long-form and short in-app surveys to customer interviews. If you ask for feedback for your email subscribers, give them updates about your product. Give them incentives like coupons and discounts to encourage them. 


The formula is pretty easy. The quickest way to lose customers is poor customer experience. And the most effective way to gain customer loyalty and business growth is excellent customer experience. But putting this into action isn’t as easy as it seems. And because of that, we have data that provides the right value at the right time and therefore creates a great customer experience. 

Developing a data-driven customer experience relies on people, data, and a process by which to analyze the available information. And in this article, we went step by step and discussed the journey that will help formulate a data-driven customer experience and grow your business.

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